Методика за анализ на нуждите на училищата


This course aims to provide a methodology for assessing the needs of schools with regard to the provision of psychological care for their students. It describes step by step how the Well-19 consortium elaborated an assessment plan, the variables to be included, the elaboration and implementation of an assessment questionnaire and the analysis of the results obtained.


  • 1 Section
  • 5 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration
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Методика за анализ на нуждите на училищата
5 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. 1. Въведение
  2. 2. Методиката
  3. 3. Променливите
  4. 4. Проучването
  5. 5. Изводи

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